Topic: the different results of recent cases in which shareholders sought to change companies from within, by adding an issue on a company's annual general meeting agenda - to have it voted upon by all other shareholders.
Data set: all cases of shareholder activism since 2018, including the outcomes, collected from the companies' Form 8-K' (item 5.07) submissions with the SEC (retrieved from the SEC Edgar database and S&P).
Example Form 8-K:

Final format dataset, including data retrieved from S&P:

What are the visual decisions you made? The dataset was larger (from 2000) and more variables, but I decided to take more recent information (since 2018) and zoom in on the most interesting cases - and look at the background stories of those.
Original sketch:

For design purposes, I gave codes to the different outcomes: the amount to the right and left would represent the extreme cases of success and unsuccessful. I later decided to use color instead.