Week 1

  • Introductions and show & tell
    • brief presentations of previous work
  • Basic plan for the semester
    • readings
    • research presenations
    • static prototyping & exploration
    • weekly technical workshops on Thursdays
    • interview & introduction-writing
    • final (potentially interactive) project
  • Housekeeping

Exercise: Ten Sticky Ideas

  • Domains · 15 minutes

    Using post-its, write down 10 possible subject areas that you would like to investigate with your main project. Each should have a name and at least one sentence or one question that clarifies why you are interested in them.

  • Scope · 5 minutes

    Test the scope of each domain, is it too large and vague; too narrow or specific? Try doing a google search for your domain keyword, do you come up with hits that are close to your interest? Can you find research papers that use your keyword? Do those papers need to further define themselves with several subcategories? Example: communication is too broad a term. What kind of communication? A subcategory like non-verbal communication would be a domain with reasonable scope.

  • Precedents · 10 minutes

    For each domain, list a minimum of 3 precedents on individual sticky notes, again placing them accordingly, mind-map style. Consider a range of media, perspectives and methods of creation.

  • Peer feedback · 20 min

    In pairs, speak about each other’s ideas for at least 5–10 minutes. Error check each other on the scope of their domains. If they tell you their domain keyword, can you think of precedents that accurately reflect their interest? If so, they have a good domain scope to begin working. Give feedback about each other’s ideas, paying special attention to surprises, design opportunities or contradictions. Take notes.


  • 7 Numbers in 7 Days
    • design one poster per day and add it to a blog post as a png or jpeg
    • print out all seven posters and bring them to class next week
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