Anatomy of an AI System

The article puts the AI behind Amazon's Alexa device in a broader perspective. I understand the main message of this article to be that AI applications like Amazon’s Alexa are so much more than just a plastic gadget in your living room, meant as a warning. As a piece…

Quantitative drafts

Among retail investors ("main street" investors as opposed to Wall Street), passive investing (i.e. investing through index funds and ETFs) has increased significantly over the past decades, at the expense of active investing (e.g. buying individual stocks). Estimates are that about 30% of the US stock markets is…

Two examples

1. Mapping real-time news snippets headlines, classified and located in a specific crisis zone. The data is quantitative in so far that it must use latitude-longitude, and times. The news content itself is qualitative.More info: see the Live Universal Awareness Map project.2. How…

Qualitative poster

Topic: the different results of recent cases in which shareholders sought to change companies from within, by adding an issue on a company's annual general meeting agenda - to have it voted upon by all other shareholders. Data set: all cases of shareholder activism since 2018, including the outcomes, collected…

Lev Manovich on data art

Among other things, Lev Manovich discusses the role and purpose of data visualization, and data art. For him, the current challenge of data art is not the visualization of impersonal data into something meaningful and aesthetic (as this is already done), rather the challenge is how to data art can…

Craft of research, chapters 7-10

These chapters discuss how to develop an argumentation structure for your research. What does it require to posit a substantiated claim? The text explains that a claim should be followed by a reason of why the claim holds. The writer should be able to support these reasons with evidence. A…

Formulating a research question

Chapter 3 and 4 explain the initiating phase of a research project: how to find a topic within a certain subject matter, and formulate a precise research question. After having selected a substance to asses, the book’s recommended process of formulating the research question follows the three-step formula of:…


Day 1 - Wednesday9 out of the world's 10 most polluted cities are in India [value and color]PM2.5 is a particle considered so small that it can enter the lungs and cause serious health problems - used as a standard to measure air quality. The WHO listed the…