anatomy of an ai system + deepmind breech

I like that the "Anatomy of an AI System" piece starts with a very relatable anecdote. I think the title can be quite intimidating and opening with a scene everyone is mostly familiar with (my friends and I just spent an entire Friday night playing with an Alexa and its…

quantitative viz: round 2

via GIPHYout of the sample quantitative viz i presented last week (number of US shows, number of total shows, number of Instagram photos with the band members, and two examples of color analysis), the one that appealed most was the number of shows the 1975 played and the distances they…

exploratory quantitative viz

vizimage of what i'm presenting in class and line graphs are made and styled inside illustrator, so check them out in that link above.graphs from r analyses in my markdown here.datai'm using songkick's api, and, according to their terms + conditions, i cannot post the tour data…

qualitative poster re-design: process

For my first set of qualitative posters, I thought a little too big. I was thinking too outside the actual space of the posters, more so how each design would fit into a larger viz puzzle rather than standing alone as an individual piece. This time, based on the feedback…

r3: the anti-sublime ideal in new media

While evidence of "graphical representation of quantitative data" dates back to the eighteenth century, it's hard to deny that the computer completely changed and, arguably, revolutionized those representations. Visualization practice lends itself, albeit in different forms, to every discipline—however, the sciences have held a stronghold on the field, producing…

r2: the craft of research, chapters 7–10

An argument in research is a unique kind of argument. However, what keeps it similar to other types of arguments is the need for some sort of conflict. When structuring an argument in research, it's helpful to think of a conversation. A researcher starts with a claim, then searches for…

r1: the craft of research, chapters 3–6

When deciding on a topic to research, I like to think if people would debate my question or problem at a bar. If the topic instigates that kind of casual but passionate debate, I usually believe a visualization exploring it is justified as the exploration may lead to some sort…

7 numbers

v a r i a b l e s position ✅size ✅shape ✅value ✅hue ✅orientation ✅texture ✅t u e s d a yI also wrote down horror movies on a sticky note, and one of my favorite numbers in that realm is 7194/1—how much Paranormal Activity profited, making…