15.77% of the artworks in The Metropolitan's Modern and Contemporary Art Collection are by women (2,027 out of the total 14,350 artworks are by women and 10,829 are by men = 12,856 artworks. Here not including the 1,494 that are ‘unknown’ maker, or the artwork is by a named artist whose gender is not yet identified, or by an artist couple/collaborative with both women and men). Shape
Earth's largest ice sheet, Antarctica, lost 219 billion tons of ice annually in 2012 – 2017, approx. triple the melt rate of the previous decade. Rate measured in tons of ice. Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-Comparison Exercise, 80 scientists from NASA and the ESA. Size
Artworks listed by the name of the artist in The Met's Modern & Contemporary Art Collection whose makers are identified by gender. 12,856 artworks are by either women or men, many artists have multiple artworks in the collection - here every name is listed, many therefore are listed multiple times. Separated into artists who are women and artists who are men. Value
NYC flood hazard mapper shows areas vulnerable to flooding from 1% annual chance storm (FEMA’s Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (PFIRMs) released in 2015 as part of a citywide flood map update, 1% annual chance storm also known as the Special Flood Hazard Area or 100-year floodplain.) The source mapper shows areas vulnerable to flooding, and displays water height rises predicted for future decades. Position
15,039 artists in MoMA csv data on kaggle. For those artists identified by MoMA in the dataset (80%), 65% are artists who are men, 15% are artists who are women. Color
There are 105 different media classifications for artwork in the Modern & Contemporary Art Collection in The Met. For media classifications with more than ten artworks, women are collected more than men in only 5 media - all of the 5 categories are textile-related media. Texture
source: Met csv Jan 2018, artists in the Met's Modern & Contemporary Art Collection
Of the 12,904 artworks whose makers are identified by nationality through the artist display bio column, 5 artworks are by Chinese artists. Orientation
source: Met csv Jan 2018, artists in the Met's Modern & Contemporary Art Collection